Tremder Update for Winter 2019.


Greetings Pack.

Today's announcement has us meeting with glad tidings for game development. So first things first.

For the last year or so, we've been mostly silent, as I have been trying to find a steady coder, and a new main artist for the game. In the last week or so I've found the artist. and the coder showed up a couple of months ago.

Our Coder
Lyro has agreed to see us through dev and get us up and running however he can. A coder for a living, he balances work, home life, and social time carefully. Though it seems progress is slow right now. A lot of tools where left undone or unfinished and are needing some polish or just outright made all together on the back end. From admin tools, account profiles, and forums to get our community really started, we are focusing on getting these 3 things up in that order.

Our new and AMAZING artist.
You thought our wolf art was amazing before. The one that agreed to help us today will Blow your socks OFF!. Going by the name of CedarWolf in furry and werewolf communities, Cedar is an artist to flock too and watch like no other. He Makes his living through his artwork. With commissions slots quickly filling up when they open. When one looks at his style it's not hard to see WHY he is so popular and has such a large following. Right now we are working on how best to implement his art style for the wolves (our pet) to best suit the file structure the game needs to render in what will be wolf pet art above and beyond compare. Found on almost every art site imaginable (DA, FA, Tumblr, and Facebook) His art leaves you breathless and wanting more!

Onto business...

A couple of weeks ago, we tossed out a survey - Should we do a bonafied kickstarter. The community answered with over a 95% YES! So here we are. Going out in the whee hours of this morning is our Kickstarter questionnaire and drawing entry. This questionnaire is SUPER important to get out and into as many hands as possible for good feedback. Share it with your family, share it with your friends who play games like Dappervolk and Furvilla. The Survey will run till the end of march. to get as wide a reach as possible. At the end of the survey, is a place to leave an email (if you don't already have an account) to enter into our basic account giveaway. Accounts will be randomly drawn in the first week in April. and announced then as well. Anything that is mostly voted for, or sounds good as a fill in answer WILL be in the Kickstarter somewhere. This is an opportunity for future members and current members alike to have their voices heard as to what they want to receive for their continued support!

We need support on this!
We hit the ground running, but between a coder stealing 1200$ of hard earned crowd sourced money, and doing little to no work. To my social mess ups that had the community in an uproar over my actions, I have been carefully crafting and working on how to recover in our slump. Come hang out in our Discord! See teasers not released to the mass media. Talk and chat about your expectations and excitement about getting in EARLY on game development Talk with Myself (Mortain), and other supporters and staff and get to know your up and coming and future players and community members! Your support is VITAL for the growth of this game. Without you, the game would not exists. Without your continued support, we would have given up long ago. 2019 is going to be OUR year! And we're going to kick it's ass and take some names!

Come Join us today!
