TheGamingList is up for sale.

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New member
It is with great... anxiety that I am posting this.

I started TGL shortly after VPL went offline, almost 3 years ago now. It was to keep a community of game developers, artists, and players going. To see a community continue in spite of a community place that no longer was. I hope in some ways that was achieved.

I personally no longer have the time to devote to the community, to drive it forward, to build and guide it moving forward. I wish I did, I have a fond heart for many of the community members. That being said, I am hereby putting the community up for sale. I am hoping to secure not only the communities future, but to see it thrive and develop into something amazingly wonderful!

I do not have a value in mind, the site does not profit from any form of advertising currently, so all offers are up on the table. I will answer questions as I can.

I just wanted to say a big thank you for what you have done here, Digital. I like to sit by and watch threads quietly, but I definitely feel a sense of community here, Though I haven't been here very long. I wish you the best in your future!

And while I am interested in the idea of the ownership position, I unfortunately don't have the funds at the moment. So, Best of everything to the future owner!

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Oh no! Thank you for everything you've done for this community.

I can help with the technical side of things, but my social skills are meh so community management is not something I can do.

Thank you both for being members and participating in the community as well, this whole thing would not have happened without members like you all!

Sad to see this post! TGL seems to be that last remaining resource for game owners and industry freelancers alike!

While I remain the owner I will be maintaining the site, I just don’t have the time to grow it beyond what it is, and I honestly feel it can be so much more then it is!

I will miss seeing you around this place Digital, it was a lot of fun. I am sorry I haven't been the most active but I been a bit busy with life in general. I made a lot of new progress with my site, and I hope some of the topics are still available for me to learn from them. I know you are pretty busy in general but if you like I would like to open up a forum on my site to the Gaminglist if they would like to have it. I don't have forums yet, but I just thought it be nice to have since you guys gave me a lot of inspiration.

I want to give back to the community in this way even though it is kind of small.

Thank you so much for getting this community back together, Digital! I look forward to the growth opportunity if you can find someone with enough time to grow the community. If not, I'm glad to hear youy'll keep TGL up anyway. Even if it remains small compared to its predecessor, it still keeps the community together. I don't expect it to ever be as big as VPL, nor do I think it needs to be. It's still a much needed resource and hub for players and serves its purpose very well. ? 
But hey, if a new owner could make it grow, that's great too! 

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Glad TGL has been here all this time since VPL, keeping us virtualpetsite lovers together with a spot to find each other. 

Closing this as a buyer has been found. I will be sure to update the community in more detail once the final details are worked out as to how they want to move forward. I appreciate the communities patience and support. I do not plan to leave the community, and will still be active, and look forward to seeing where it goes moving forward.

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