Solpets: We got Human Avatars on foot!


Senior Member

With a new avatar or shall I say icon now?​


What do I mean you say?!​

Well, it is said that a long time ago, when the planet was still young, a tragedy befell Solopia. A star had fallen from the heavens one night and got lost on the planet's surface. The sun and the moon themselves mourned the loss of the little star, cloaking the world in a gloomy darkness as they embraced each other in their sorrow. But none of the Solopians knew of that loss, for those who saw the star fall didn't understand its meaning, nor that of the darkness that suddenly surrounded their world. There was however one creature that was different. They were small and meek, living close to the ground and with no special abilities to match any of the other beings on the planet, except for one, long pointed ears that gave them exceptional hearing. For you see, ever since the star had fallen the creature had heard its crying far in the distance. The creature knew that to stop the gloom they would have to find the source of the crying, and so they went on the long journey to find the star.​

The creature had to face many challenges, from dangerous predators to tricky terrain, but eventually after weeks of traveling they reached their destination deep inside a jungle. Hidden beneath the tall trees and overgrown plants lay a newly formed crater and inside it was the little star. The creature was able to comfort the star and clutching it tightly to their chest the creature started climbing the tallest tree in the area, high up to its crown where both of them called out to the sky. Hearing those calls the moon and the sun descended and were overjoyed to be reunited with the star.​

"You have done us a great service, young one." The sun spoke.​

"Ask for whatever reward you wish, and we shall grant it." Said the moon.​

The creature thought long and hard about what they wanted before voicing their wish. "I am but a humble creature, there's nothing much to me. But I've admired many of the other beings of this planet and would wish to be more like them."​

"Speak your terms then." Said the sun.​

"I wish to be tall, so that I may easier reach the fruits of trees, and see what lies further ahead of me."​

"It is done." Spoke the moon. "What else?"​

"I wish I could change my coat and always match it to how I feel. I love the colors of the flowers and the other beasts' intricate patterns, but mine were always so dull, you see."​

"It is done." The sun said. "With this blessing you have not just been granted a single pelt, but also the knowledge to craft many more from all kinds of materials and colors, so you may always change it as you please. Anything else?"​

"Yes, one last wish, I've always envied the songs of the birds. I wish to be able to make the music they do, and mimic sounds as easily."​

"It is done." Said the moon once more. "But still you are not the strongest, don't you wish any natural weapons to defend yourself or fight for territory?"​

"No." Said the creature. "I only wish for peace, and I've already asked enough."​

"As you wish." Spoke both sun and moon in unison. "Your wishes are granted."​

The little creature was then enveloped in a blinding light, their form reshaping as they grew bigger and longer, eventually standing on two legs, a giant compared to their original form. All over their body appeared soft cloths, draping them in dashing colors that could rival the jungle's birds and flora. And within their minds they knew of songs and sounds they never heard before, and ways to make even more. The creature stood there now, unrecognizable as what they once were, for they were something entirely different now, except for one tiny detail, the sharp pointed ears that led them on this journey.​

The sun then spoke up again. "Dear creature, may we know your name?"​

And the creature responded. "I am human."​

