Solpets: New Pet - Laaba!!!!!!!


Senior Member
It was a beautiful sunny day when Oliver arrived at Rainbow Falls, perfect weather for taking some great photos of the landscape. He'd been hired to get a few shots for the SolMag but to be honest he would do this even without the job, Rainbow Falls was a wonderful place and he already had a thousand photo ideas in mind. He started walking around the area, taking shots every now and then, eventually climbing the hills, hoping to get some good landscape photos. Once that was done he decided to take a break, resting under the shade of a tree and setting the camera beside him. It wasn't long however until he heard footsteps nearby and turned to see a pet he'd never seen before. It looked a like a sheep, but with a rather impressively huge wool coat. The purple creature looked at him, a small smile on its face.

"Hello buddy, who might you be?" Oliver asked with a smile, curious about his new company.

The sheep like creature just continued looking at him, holding his attention. That's when he heard a noise behind him and turned around just in time to see another one of these pets, this one blue with a bright pink mane, quickly dart away, his camera held in its mouth by the strap.

"Hey!" Oliver shouted, immediately taking off after it.

He chased it around the hills and eventually up the mountain terrain of the Falls. There had been a few close calls but he always missed the pet, it would then briefly turn toward him and give off an indignant "Baaah!" before dashing off again. Somehow in this whole mess the creature even managed to get the camera around its neck. On one hand that meant it would be harder to retrieve, but on the other it also meant the camera was in far less danger of being dropped, Oliver was at least grateful for that. Eventually he realized though that he couldn't outrun the pet, it was already faster than him and he was getting tired too. He looked around, hoping to find something that will help him catch the little thief. That's when the paths in front of them split, with the pet running down the lower route. Oliver knew it was risky, but he hoped the upper route would be a shortcut. He charged up the rocks, following the twisting path until he reached the edge. He could hear the pet approaching, meaning he indeed got a shortcut. It was a bit high, but still manageable, thus he crouched down and prepared to pounce when the time was right. Soon enough the sheep came running down the path, a bit slower than before and looking back every now and then. He wondered if it was looking for him, but there wasn't much time to contemplate on that. The moment the pet got close enough he jumped over the edge and started sliding down the wall. However the pet noticed him and made a quick turn, resulting in Oliver barely touching its flank before it jumped away, leaving him laying in the dust.

"Dammit." Oliver exclaimed in defeat, he let his head thunk against the ground, too tired to go chasing after it again.

However he didn't hear it run off again, in fact he heard the steady sound of hooves approaching, not in a run but a paced walk. He didn't even want to look up, for all he knew this was another trick, but instead he heard something being carefully set down. He looked up and there was his camera, he immediately snatched it up, looking it over for any damage. He sighed in relief after confirming it was still intact.

"Baaah!" Came a rather annoyed call.

Oliver looked back at the pet, it somehow looked... Offended? Indignant? Honestly Oliver should be the one feeling like that after what the little thief did.

"What do you want?" He asked, sitting up and patting some of the dust out of his hair.

"Baah." The pet smiled and proudly lifted its nose in the air, presenting its mane.

"Ummm. What?" The photographer was still confused about what this strange pet wanted.

"Bah!" The pet looked indignant again, then it bumped its nose against Oliver's hand and once more raised its nose into the air, putting its mane on show.

"Okayyyy." Believing he got the hint, Oliver reached up to pet the creature's fluff.

That was, without a doubt, the softest thing he had ever touched. The mane was incredibly fluffy and he could only imagine how wonderful it would be to have a bed made of this stuff. Way too soon though the pet stepped away, though it nonetheless seemed pleased. It gave of one more "Baah!" before happily trotting off. Oliver watched it leave, really not sure what to think of the encounter but far less upset about it than before.

"That was quite impressive, not many can gain Prince's approval." Said a female voice behind him.

Oliver jumped and immediately turned around to find two more of the sheep pets standing by the spot he jumped down from earlier. There was the purple one from before, joined by a yellow one this time.

"I guess? Although he caused me quite a bit of tro- wait, so you guys can talk after all?"

The two pets giggled before the purple one spoke again. "Of course we can."

"But you see, Prince doesn't talk unless he really wants to." The other snickered.

"Right." Oliver decided not to question it. That most definitely was one crazy day. 


