Sensipets: They call me....Mother!


Good Morning/Afternoon, Sensifolks!

We hope that y'all are just as excited about it being Friday as we are!!! As we were going through some old photos of the Requien, we stumbled upon an old favorite of ours. An old rendition of the Requien was the keeper of the Sensipet Eggs. It would guard the eggs as they incubate before hatching. We called them, Mother Requien. After Tommi took over the Lab, the energy around Casius started to change and instead of the eggs, all pets are now created in the Laboratory with that same energy and new technology that was invented over the years. What do you think about our old Mother Requien??  


Don't Forget:
You have until tomorrow at 8 PM EST to submit your Requien fan art for the contest. This is your chance to snag those 1,000 tickets to the ticket counter! We've got a few new additions coming that I'm sure you'll want the tickets for!

Next week's Pet Spotlight?:

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