Sensipets: Scary Season Begins Now


Ghoul evening my fine SensiFolks

I am here with an actual news post - finally! To begin, we wanted to thank everyone for their patience. Over the past few weeks we have been moving and taking a bit of time off. During this time, we have seen users continuing to join and explore what Aegis has to offer and we're excited to get back to it.

To start it off, SensiUsers can now begin trick-or-treating! You can visit most Character pages and see what they have to offer. You can trick-or-treat once every 20hours, and it will decrease as we get closer to All Hallows' Eve. There are a LOT of new spooky items, created by our fabulous artist @Liz.

Note: Spooky Season lasts from Oct 20th until Nov 5th.

We have more features and fun tricks during this season so be on the look out. That is all for now, need to take a breather for the evening after adding so many items! Let us know your thoughts and happy trick-or-treating!


@Howey and @Heffrad

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