Sensipets: Reimagined Pocku


Happy Hump Day!!!!

Hope everyone's week is going smooth and you are either working hard or hardly working lol. We want to start out by saying that we have some amazing entrys in the Dainen fan art contest. They are ALL so CUTE!!! We are actually sitting at a 3 way tie at the moment! @Shard, @eek & @TiffyTiff are all sitting at 10 hearts each!!! We have until 8 pm EST today for you to cast your final vote! There are also some entries with 8 and 6 hearts, so it's a close contest. Anyone can take it ??

Today, we wanted to show our usual glow up of our pet spotlight of the week. Check out how the Pocku used to look, back in the day, versus how it looks now! ??


Pocku's can be found in any type of climate, but they seem to store more energy when they are in colder, icy climates. You might have noticed that Pocku's have fur. That is a unique trait through evolution. Because of this fur, they can adapt to any type of climate on land, unlike the Pocku's counterpart, the Pocka, that is found in the water.

We hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Make sure you vote on your favorite Dainen fan art, as well as submit your art for the Pocku!

Talk soon,

@Heffrad & @Howey

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