Sensipets: Pet Spotlight of the Week: Helio


Happy Monday, Everyone!!

We hope that everyone had a spectacular weekend and are looking forward to this week's new pet spotlight!! First off, we want to say that we are happy to hear everyone enjoying the backstory with all of the pets and learning either where they come from or a little bit about their personalities. The Pocku, from last week, is very interesting since you can only obtain one from gardening! Also, the fan art contest has some really cool entries. We love seeing the art from both repeat artists, as well as first time entry artists! If you haven't had the opportunity to check out the art for the contest, make sure you jump over to the contest section and vote for your favorite Pocku. You have until 8pm EST, Wednesday to choose!

Now, let's get into this week's pet spolight, the Helio!


Helio's are well natured and are omnivores who enjoy berries and nuts to hunting. They tend to enjoy being around mutliple different pets, although they seem to be more timid in social situations. One of their favorite things is playing hide and seek with either their owners or other pets. Jumping from tree to tree, it can be a great task in catching up to one of these majestic pets. While they are big enough for one person to ride a Heilo, they typically only allow that if there is immediate danger nearby.

Wow! What interesting info about the Helio... wonder how we could use that to incorporate into our weekly fan art contest ??

For the contest this week, we will continue to run the same structure. Submit a fan art image of the Helio in the 'Helio Fan Art Submissions' section in the Contests forums. The submission with the most hearts ♥️ on it, will be the winner of the week. (If you happen to see someone's art that you think is also cute or funny, show some love with a different emoji like ? or ?) The submission's deadline will be this Sunday at 8pm EST, and you have until next Wednesday, Oct. 6th, at 8pm to vote on your favorite one! The winner will recive 1,000 tickets to the Ticket Counter AND a seed packet that turns into a Helio berry. (just in case you'd like to turn one of your pets into the lovable Helio). Good luck everyone, and we are excited to see all of the art for this week's contest!

Until next time,

@Heffrad & @Howey

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