Sensipets: Pet Spotlight of the Week: Dainen


Gooood Afternoon, Everyone!

We hope everyone had an excellent weekend, and we know that we are excited to be back from our short (but needed) vacation. The Serpens fan art images look BEATUIFUL and love all of the reactions they are getting by you all! Remember, the artwork with the most reactions by Wednesday @ 8pm EST will be our winner for the contest. Make sure you check out the art work if you haven't already.

This week will be all about the pet:


Dainen's can always be found having a good time outside. Their favorite thing to do is to chase down tennis balls that their owner throws (sometimes almost too much ?). Sometimes Dainen's like to race other pets, since they have speed both on the ground, as well as in the air. An indistinguishable feature of this playful pet is it's sense of smell. It has been known by many to use their Dainen's to track down different delicious berries and fruits that can be found in the forest. Sometimes, if you get lucky, your Dainen can find some really rare items in the forest by sniffing them out! You do have to be careful, though, since they sometimes loose focus and are found trying to chase lizards and squirrels ?

And of course! We will be having our weekly fan art contest. We are excited to see what your interpretation is for this lovable, playful pet! The rules for the contest will be the same as last weeks. All submissions will be due by this Sunday at 8 PM EST and the winner will be decided upon by the most reactions on the post. You'll have until Wednesday, September 22 at 8 PM EST to react to your favorite post. The winner will get a whopping 1,000 tickets to the Ticket Counter! Good luck everyone!!!

Stay tuned for more Dainen info and images throughout the week!

@Heffrad & @Howey 

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