Sensipets: Friday Night... seeds?


Good evening SensiFolks!

Here for some quick announcements to wrap up this week.

Mobile Layout
Want to thank everyone for their patience as we continue to refine and improve the new mobile layout! It has been a long time coming, but we think this new design will really help us with organizing new features and make it easier to add new functionality to existing features.

Seems quite a few new seeds have begun making their way into seed packets. Additionally old seeds seemed to have changed their behavior. We're continuing to refine how our features are working and hope everyone enjoys the plethora of new seeds to be found in seed packets.

Ticket Counter
Not to be left out, seems that the DIVADoll designer has created a BUNDLE of the items! Anna also seems to have worked out a deal for a special golden seed packet - wonder what seeds are in them!

Minor tweaks have been going out around requests and will continue to, so please keep the feedback coming!

Thanks everyone and hope you've all had a fabulous week~

@Howey and @Heffrad 

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