Sensipets: Break Time!


Wellllll Helllllooooo, everyone!!

Very happy Monday to all and we hope that you had a fabulous weekend. @Howey & I have had quite the weekend as we're on our way to the East Coast! We have been driving all weekend and getting pretty tired of it lol. With that being said, I'll go ahead and jump right into it.... We are going to have to take a short, two week break from the Pet Spotlights. We are going to be quite busy with all of our moving and job hunting, that we won't be able to effectively do a pet spotlight for these next couple of weeks. I know it is something y'all look forward to, so we'll make sure we'll bring them back right when we get settled.

As far as last weeks spotlight, we had some great submissions for the Helio and hope that everyone was able to get their artwork in in time. ?Remember, you have until Wednesday at 8pm EST to vote on your favorite one to win!

Don't worry, we will still be posting updates about Sensipets and giving you special treats to look forward to.....after all IT IS OCTOBER!!!!

Until Next Time,

@Heffrad & @Howey

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