Sensipets: A Pet's Gotta Do, What A Pet's Gotta Do


Gooood Morning SensiFolks!

Another Wednesday Feature Bonanza. Hot on the heels of the Mystic Grove, Cy has stood up a new Requests Board!

Requests Board

Pets love to play and be pampered, but a healthy part of any pet's day is helping out around Aegis!

As more people have joined Sensipets, it seems to be a bit overwhelming for some of the characters around town. Check out the board and see if your pet would be a good fit to help them out!

Just like Gardening, this is a big push for us to help immerse users into the story and characters of Sensipets. We are looking at some big content updates coming soon to continue the trend. Including a new layout, more plants, and more requests.

Please let us know what you think in the Forums today! Do you think gardening is fun? How could it be better? Too fast? Too slow? Are the requests interesting? Favorite requests so far?

We really look forward to hearing from y'all and what you think!


~ @Howey and @Heffrad 

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