Selling complete set of dog breeds (fully combinable)


Game Owner
Hello everyone,

A few years ago I purchased a set of dog images. Unfortunately, I never made something with it. Since I have a lot of vet bills to cover, I am selling them now. They were originally made by Dracula. These are meant to be combinable into various amounts of dog breeds. It could also be the base of a game that allows breeding for mutts or establishing new breeds, as the assets are all divided into combinable groups.
The set consists of
- 5 body types
- 2 fur types
- 9 ear types
- 4 eye types
- 10 muzzle types
- 4 skull types
- 5 leg types
- 5 paw types
- 6 tail types

The dog generator we made for the game (it is only a very early version, which needs some more work) is also available to be tested out (for those with honest buying interest). The assets surely can be expanded to add even more variation. The possibilities are almost endless. I would be happy if it was bought by someone who puts them to good use. If you are interested, please contact me via pm. 

Thank you!


