Seeking partner


New member

I'm a programmer who was pretty active back in the VPL days. I've helped build countless virtual worlds, each one of which... amounted to nothing.

I've always enjoyed these browser-based games and felt that their potential was never fully realized.

I hope it's not too late and there's still a market for them. My nostalgia demands it.

I'm sure there's other people like me out there, it just looks like there's no good way to reach them. This forum doesn't hold a candle to what VPL once was, and it's a shame.

What brings me here today is that sometimes I get the urge to build something amazing. And I'm reminded of the communities and games I was a part of as a kid.

I want to give making my own game a shot. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a professional full stack web developer who works full-time.

And maybe, just maybe, I can recreate that kind of tight-knit community-based game for others. Y'know, the kind that can give you life-long online friends and surprises you with something new every time you log in.

But I digress.

I know this is going to take a lot of programming, art, writing, money, and effort.

I've got everything technical covered -- servers, databases, domains, programming, etc.

I'm looking for a partner to create a game with that can help with any one or combination of the other parts.

But not just any partner. I'm looking for one who feels the same way I do about how these games could be so much more. Someone willing to throw out everything conventional about these types of games and help me re-imagine them into something great. Someone who demands perfection from themselves and from me. Someone who won't give up when things get hard.

Most importantly, I think, I'm looking for someone ambitious.

Let's make the next big thing.


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Good Luck. This sounds like a great opportunity and I hope you find a good partner. 

Do you have any examples of projects you've already worked on? That may help people better understand what you can do. 

Most of my own ambitions are going into my own game. I'm owner, artist, writer, and overall mastermind, but we are only a two man team with big plans. I'd say it's quite ambitious but I think in the end, when you put your mind to it and feel it is something right, then all will go well.

I wouldn't be able to help on a financial level since I'm quite financially tight right now, but if you are ever looking to hire a critter, asset, or environment artist, do let me know as it's my specialty. If you need someone to just bounce ideas around as well, I can do that too. I have loads of ideas for all kinds of things, but right now Wild Howlz is my focus since I want it to be as unique and interactive and creative as possible. 

Have faith in yourself and your dreams and trust your gut instincts. The last thing you want is a partnership where the other person pulls you to ruin as I had almost had happen to me. Thus, I can't wait to hear your ideas and I bet you'll make something great too!
