Referral contest, new breeds, and more!


Happy Monday!

We have quite a few new members this week! For those of you having a hard time getting started, the help section is full of information regarding worlds and creating your first horses. If you still have questions, feel free to post a question in the help section! We are working on getting started videos, which should be posted towards the end of this week. Please keep in mind CE is still in-development with a grand opening date of January 1st! If you have a suggestion for the walk-through videos, feel free to post in in this news post :)

Our referral contest is off to a great start. For those of you who missed the announcement, we have a referral contest running until October 31st. Here is a recap of the prizes:

1st place

  • Design 1 new breed
  • Design 1 new wearable
  • 6 month platinum upgrade
  • 50,000 coins
2nd place

  • Design 1 new wearable
  • 6 month gold upgrade
  • 25,000 coins
3rd place

  • 6 month silver upgrade
  • 25,000 coins
Grab your special referral link from the referral page (located under "My Tools") and share your link today! There is also a premade graphic :)

Next, we have enabled two new breeds!​

Caliph & Lorzal



We have enabled horse sales, horse auctions, updating horse profiles, tagging users in the forums, and completed competition related bug fixes. Hop on over and create an account if you haven't already!

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