Recent Changes to the Forums


Staff member
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to make an announcement on recent changes to the forums, like how the Gaming Directory and Marketplace have disappeared and can no longer be accessed.

Recently @Digital and myself have noticed a slow down in activity on the forums and interaction overall, with this in mind it was decided that it wasn't cost effective to continue hosting both the Game Directory and the Marketplace, thus they were both removed recently.

We are however hoping to reintroduce something similar to the Game Directory in the form of a thread-based one in the future as having an area with all the games proves incredibly useful to those who wish to find news games or follow upcoming ones. We will try our best however to keep as much of the original list in our new thread, but if we do miss things out then please feel free to point them out to us when the time comes!

And lastly, I'd like to apologize for the delayed response on what had happened to these features.
Both me and Digital have been busy in real life and thus didn't have a chance to address it.

We looking forward to keeping the forums going and hopefully gaining more activity in the future!
If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to ask. ?

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Just to back up what @Martyn added.

We are not going anywhere, nor are we "dying". In this industry things get slow, people get wrapped up with life and projects. It happens. The amount of time and energy that went into the Marketplace and Game Directory weren't wasted, but weren't valuable either.

I would rather spend time reading the amazing posts by you all, then trying to guess why this feature is working or failing. I would rather have engaging discussions over the merits of multiple accounts or no multiple accounts on your sites, then figuring out which game in the directory is being maintained or is incomplete.

This change is more to simplify and bring back the main focus of TGL, to be a place for new game development, and secondarily to what games are out there. The changes to the forums allow everyone to participate in game news and information more freely, which to me is more important then the Game Directory or Marketplace.

Such a shame about those features not picking up speed. Thank you all for everything, though! I love that we have this forum and hope to see more activity pick up later. 

Thanks for the update on that! It's an understandable cut. Hopefully we can start to pick up again soon :)
If any art assets are needed for adopts, our mascot, etc - I'd be happy to assist.

I'll try to think up some topics to post too!

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Thank you @Hare and @Pepper-Head!

I appreciate the support, and have always valued the wonderful input from you both as well as the rest of our members. It was not easy to say "Let's ditch these two sections." It took a lot of time to let it sync in that sometimes too much doesn't really make something better.

I kind of feel like simply letting people have a subforum to post a post about their games is better as the action happens on the main forums and doesn't require any monitoring or work from staff above what the rest of the forums requires.  It's how it's done on every other similar site I can think of, and always worked well.

Sorry I haven't been active.  I started an internship in January, and recently just finished school and am now in the process of graduating.  It's been difficult for me to keep up with my hobbies, and many of the games I play even got sidetracked.  I still have my little RPG game up that I'm running, but the spring event ended up going an extra month because I haven't had time to work on it, and I've only now begun my next update (finally).  I understand that you have to maintain costs for your server, trust me, I understand that all too well.  It was nice having advertising for my game, and trying out lots of other games that I found interest in through this site.  Maybe as @Onyx suggested, have a sub-forum section for listing games to help have a game directory without the added expense.

No worries Kesstryl, everyone on the forums has real life things they need to attend to. I'm glad you're in the process of graduating, what is it you were/are studying? If you don't mind me asking, what was your RPG game called? I didn't know you had one in the works!

On the topic of implementing a sub-forum of sorts for listing games, we've recently implemented it in the form of two threads. One for games that are In Development and the other for games that are Open to the Public.

I think this will allow game owners to communicate with us and get focus on their social media as well, which is beneficial overall for many of them, I suggest posting your RPG on there too! :)

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@Martyn A subforum where owners can post a thread on their game, showcasing what they like of their images and features, is still important I think, rather than just having a brief list entry

I'll hopefully be arranging something like that in the future as well.
We currently have an area for news posts, but I think one where they can specifically showcase the features of the site, almost like a brochure (in the form a thread), would definitely be a good thing!

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No worries Kesstryl, everyone on the forums has real life things they need to attend to. I'm glad you're in the process of graduating, what is it you were/are studying? If you don't mind me asking, what was your RPG game called? I didn't know you had one in the works!

On the topic of implementing a sub-forum of sorts for listing games, we've recently implemented it in the form of two threads. One for games that are In Development and the other for games that are Open to the Public.

I think this will allow game owners to communicate with us and get focus on their social media as well, which is beneficial overall for many of them, I suggest posting your RPG on there too! :)
Good to know how the new forum sections work for games.  I'll have to see if I can dig my game thread up from one of them, I did have a forum thread for it at some point.  My game is Dragon Lord, a RPG where you are a dragon (link in my sig).  It's not a pet game per se, but dragons can collect companions which are basically pets (they don't breed, and you can't have more than one of each type, but you can collect them, level them up, bring one with you, and they add to the dragon's stats in the same manner as weapons and armor).  It's really an ameteur's hobby, but it has kept me sane through years of college by giving me something creative to work on.  It's completely playable and a full game, but needs a ton more work visually and art wise.  My degree is in education, and I'm getting my teaching certification.

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