Pocket Puma Pets: Paradigm Mix Tool - The Paradizer!


Another campaign reward is here!


I am pleased to announce the Paradizer has arrived!

This utility allows you to apply a paradigm mix to a marking, evolution, or evo marking.

You may use any two active paradigms at whatever ratio you desire!

It could be a perfect 50/50, or 20/80, or 1/99 if you so desire-- but it must be a mix of two different paradigms.


Simply drag the slider left or right to adjust the blend ratio.
It even has a handy button to quickly set it to a perfect 50/50 mix!

Miss Mingo has offered to carry the Paradizer in her shop~

[ Click to visit Miss Mingo's Tool & Dye ]

What a wondrous item to behold.. and fashionable, it seems your pumas can wear it as well!

This utility was made possible by YOU guys! Our awesome puma peep supporters that purchased TE during the campaign. This was our first stretch goal reward!

I can't wait to see everyone's para-mixed pumas!

As with any new feature, if you find a bug, let us know in the comments or on the Bug Reports & Glitches forum.

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