Pocket Puma Pets: Confirm and Shopping Updates AND Favors!


We recently rolled out a change to our confirm popups.

The old system was causing some issues relying on browsers to play nice (looking at you firefox!)

Our new confirm is much more configurable and visible! You will find it anywhere that used to ask you to confirm before continuing.


The new confirm also changed some unintentional things like shopping and breeding-- sorry about that! Some users have been using methods to speed that up that stopped working with this update.

One fix we have rolled out today applies to site shops:

You can now buy more than one item at a time! :D YAY!!


There is a limit of 100 at a time for infinitely stocked items though!


You can drag the slider to increase or decrease the amount you wish to purchase, and the cost should update as you do!

Typing in more than the shop has currently will simply cap the number to the max available.

If you experience any issues/bugs please report them on the Bug Reports & Glitches forum!

[ Bug Reports & Glitches ]

We are always working on fixing stuff and quality of life changes, but if you think we might have missed something, or want to bring something to our attention, or even just let us know something needs to be a higher priority-- let us know! We would love to hear from you!

[ Ideas & Suggestions & Points of Interest ]

Favors Edit:


Also Favor of the White Flamingo can be applied up to 5 times per breeding now! :)

Only one scarab per breeding still! Get more mileage out of your scarab breedings with favors! :D

Try it out with a gift from Leo!

[ Leo's Loot ]​
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