Petsite For Sale



My partner and I are entertaining offers for a massive in-development petsite. We've been developing it for several years, but no longer have the time that it deserves to dedicate to its development. We have over 2,000 registered users and a strong financial proof of concept. We would like the potential new owners to be interested in finishing and maintaining the site, and would receive its coding as-is along with thousands of art assets. 

Please PM me for details if you're interested. 

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Good luck finding a buyer. I hope it goes to an owner that will continue what you started.

You do have some concerning things to address to a new buyer though.

On Novilar's Facebook (, you have a post from one month ago that mentions a lot of glitches. "As you know, we've been struggling hard to resolve some fundamental issues with the server and with the site itself - sitewide image glitches and backend brick walls have greeted us at every turn, and we've still yet to resolve them after months of research and effort."

I think some of the image issues you mention are related to the demo pet creator on the site. I included a couple images of what that looks like when you try to test out different looks. That's pretty unfortunate because I remember that demo creator working really smoothly when I checked out Novilar months ago.

This is also bad news for a new owner:

"Please do note that when we return, ALL patreon items will be delivered, no matter how long it takes to do so, we swear on our honor. You're of course free to discontinue, and we would expect you to - but if there's even just one patron who chooses to remain a patron through the hiatus, that user will get each and every month's custom item(s) sent in bulk as promised."

I looked at the Patreon, and the rewards include Patreon-specific items and custom pet skins. Because you're selling the site, the new owner would be responsible for delivering these items (assuming they want to keep that promise). That means the new owner would be supplying rewards for Patreon payment they didn't receive.

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@SingSong Thank you for your concern. We know now that the visual glitch is a result of a server-side issue (not a result of bad code). A transfer of servers with a new host that satisfies a few specific requirements (that we've already brought up to at least one of the potential owners!) will fix this image generation / pet demo bug. I don't want you to think that we're keeping secrets, here. 

As for the Patreon, I've personally committed to fulfilling them, and that's exactly what I'm going to do! I'll create all of the new items for the past Patreon supporters myself and hand them over to the new owner (if the site's transferred, of course), in order to be delivered to their accounts. I've kept a spreadsheet of players and their rewards from our Patreon since day one, so no one is going to go without anything they were promised. :)   The new owner would not be responsible for any past Patreon pledges, only any future pledges after the site was already in their hands. 

Oh, good to know! That's nice of you to offer to complete the Patreon rewards. Carry on. I'm sure you'll find someone to pick up this project.

Just curious, what image library are you using and what version is it currently at? How will changing servers fix that?

@SingSong Thank you for your concern. We know now that the visual glitch is a result of a server-side issue (not a result of bad code). A transfer of servers with a new host that satisfies a few specific requirements (that we've already brought up to at least one of the potential owners!) will fix this image generation / pet demo bug. I don't want you to think that we're keeping secrets, here.

@Design1online The visual glitch occurred when we upgraded our server and subsequently imagick version. The upgraded version was incompatible with the script causing image generation errors. Installing the site on a server with a version of Imagemagick that supports alpha channel should restore functionality~
