Passage (designer)


I know you guys are getting sick of my reviews (too bad, hehe), but I need to post one last review of my final team member! Many of you are drooling over the design of Celestial Equine, and I need to make sure everyone knows the master behind the magic! @Passage has completed every designs seen at Celestial Equine, with the exception of the few I literally created by stealing the elements provided in other designs. Id say it is safe to say Passage can take credit for 100% of these amazing designs!

Not only was she prompt, but she truly took time to understand the purpose of each feature. And let me tell you, I am probably the worst at explaining what I am wanted! I think this comes with the territory of assuming everyone has access to my brain (turns out they do not, ha!). Passage DRASTICALLY undercharges for her designs, but I believe we are working on fixing that issue of hers ;) I highly recommend Passage for any design work if you have a desire for beautiful, clean work that attracts all types of users!

Check out her work in action at Celestial Equine!
