PaintTool Sai Users wanted!! [ Volunteer / Forum ARPG ]


Game Owner
[SIZE=10pt]Welcome to Grifflies, a breedable griffin forum & art game! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]The game is undergoing a [/SIZE]critical revamp and is still very much under heavy development.
But our Discord updates every week, so feel free to join and read up on the news!

Baby grifflie art, pictured above

[SIZE=10pt]We are looking for artists to help color grifflies for users who breed them, users who age up their grifflies from baby to adult, and for help with adding new markings to the grifflie bases.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]If you are familiar with[/SIZE] PaintTool Sai [SIZE=10pt]and are interested in the game, please consider applying! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]PaintTool Sai is not [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]necessary[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] to edit this file, but it is HIGHLY [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]recommended[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. [/SIZE]
You must have access to Discord, the Grifflies forum, and DeviantArt to apply!

[SIZE=10pt]If you have any questions, please feel free to message me[/SIZE] here[SIZE=10pt], or on Discord at [/SIZE]Tanya #9358

APPLY !  ||  Discord  ||  Forum  ||  DA Group
