Novilar: Combined updates


New member
I wanted to write this for a while, but felt I wanted to give it time for a little bit before I actually announced. Novilar, a site originally created by two members (one of whom is a member here, has been in development for a few years. It went on a hiatus for about a year last year. The previous owners decided that it was time to sell it. I was lucky enough to have the ability to purchase it. So yes, I am now the owner of Novilar. My first goal was to revitalize it, as it had fallen on hard times with a server move that broke its image generation, and several rather large bugs that had broken it's functionality. It has been a fun ride and the game now improves daily.

The reason I am writing this is to let this community know that I am now the owner, that the game is actually back to being relatively playable, and seeing regular updates. I will probably be posting more regular updates here as well as time goes on.

I'm happy to see Novilar in good hands! It was definitely a game built with a lot of love and promise, so I'm excited to see that continue ❤️ 

its looking far better than before ^^ i mean it looks more eye catchy now...last time i seen was witout background and a total mess
