New wearables, upgraded features, and feature revision


We have big updates on this great Monday!

First - we have fixed the following bugs:

  • Bug on barn page
  • Cleaned account management page
  • Out of place text on competition page
  • Competition layout issues
  • Ping layering over recent replies
  • Online users from barn page
  • Can only add user one time on friend's list
In addition to bug fixes, we also made the following revisions:

  • Enlarged user avatars on forums and news comments
  • Created notification for new new's posts
  • Now show 8 new items rather than 4
  • Added spell check *YAY*
  • Added "back to post hub" from edit post area
  • Modifying account level tags
Next up, we added a new feature for upgraded users:


For upgraded users, you may now upload a custom signature! Signatures are visible in the forums and news comment area. For optimum appearance, use the specified dimensions from the account management page!

Lastly, we have added two new wearables!


The Witchy Hat can be found in the Shadow World, and also has a matching cape. The matching cape has been released, but we need to modify a few layering issues. Stay tuned for additional updates regarding the Witchy Robe!


The Anubis outfit can be found in The Ruins! Remember, wearables may not be compatible with every breed. For example, The Anubis outfit likely will not layer correctly with the Gruele.

Like what you see? Let us know! Check back tomorrow for additional updates.​


- CE Admin​

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