New here!


New member
Hello everyone! I've been a sim game enthusiast for the past decade, and I'm a digital artist and programmer with some web experience and a dash of graphic design knowledge. My interest in making sim games has pretty much been present for all the years I've been playing them.

I've joined TGL because I'm interested in understanding sim/pet game design and hope to contribute some ideas and thinking of my own. Also, I've been working on a passion project with some hopefully interesting features I haven't yet seen in this game genre (e.g. animal training based on an algorithm devised by the player, something as simple as scheduling tasks to be run daily, with complexity added by conditional tasks) in collaboration with a partner. It's mostly in the initial research / design doc / MVP development phase. I've been writing a basic Mendelian genetics system for coat color for practice and future use. One of my greatest concerns at the moment is the volume of research required to support the realism aspects of the game, so that people with prior knowledge and experience with that species find it to be accurate and respectful enough.

Welcome @Recurrence! Hope you’ll have a great time here in TGL!

Your idea sounds interesting... basically, the player will be able to decide what their animal will do throughout the day??

Thank you for the welcome, Bravefoot! I'm excited to join this community!

Yes, I'm really interested in designing a system of care/training in which the player sets different schedules for their animals. This takes inspiration from the animal care/training in some games, in which you have to manage stat bars (energy, happiness, etc.) while performing care (feed, water, groom, etc.) actions and multiple training actions which in turn affect the stat bars.

However, rather than players spending each real-time day clicking care/train actions for each animal, they instead set up daily schedules (e.g. first groom, then train X stat, then feed, and so on) possibly based on factors like breed, training discipline, and age.

I've always liked the strategy/optimization aspect of animal training mechanics and would love to see it implemented in a way that doesn't require too much clicking!

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Thank you for the welcome, Bravefoot! I'm excited to join this community!

Yes, I'm really interested in designing a system of care/training in which the player sets different schedules for their animals. This takes inspiration from the animal care/training in some games, in which you have to manage stat bars (energy, happiness, etc.) while performing care (feed, water, groom, etc.) actions and multiple training actions which in turn affect the stat bars.

However, rather than players spending each real-time day clicking care/train actions for each animal, they instead set up daily schedules (e.g. first groom, then train X stat, then feed, and so on) possibly based on factors like breed, training discipline, and age.

I've always liked the strategy/optimization aspect of animal training mechanics and would love to see it implemented in a way that doesn't require too much clicking!

Ahhh, gotcha! That sounds neat, and I’ve never seen that before, so it will definitely be your USP! ???
