New breeds, competition progress, and more


Happy Sunday and first day of October!

As you may have noticed, we have gotten into the spooky spirit around here. If you are not seeing an updated banner, try clearing your cookies! Today marks the first day of our first world feature, which is the Shadow World! Over the course of this month, expect additional spooky breeds and complementary items. We will spotlight a new world each month, which will include new breeds, genetic options, and more.

We have managed to complete our bug fixes with the cash shop and will finish up recurring upgrades/set duration upgrades on Monday. Thank you all for being so patient while we worked out this error. Gem purchases are working perfectly!

Firstly, I would like to address our competitions feature! We have managed to pin-point the issue within our judging cron that was causing issues with points/coins distribution.

In addition to the judging fix, we have also implemented the following:

  • Horse levels
  • Fixed the unrun/completed issues
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd placings
Here is information on leveling, which will be added to our help guide:

Trainer [level 1] 0-10,000 points, Basic [level 2] 10,001 - 20,000 Intermediate [level 3] 20,001-40,000, Advanced [level 4] 40,001-80,000, Expert [level 5] 80,001-100,000

As soon as we confirm the competition is judging correctly, we will make a few changes to how our competitions work.

Next, we have also worked on the following:

  • Deleting private messages
  • Tagging users in forums
  • Coins for news comments/forum replies
  • Navigation edits
  • Social Media fixes
  • Search for specific items
  • Help design changes
  • Misc design changes
We clearly had a very productive Friday!

Our tagging feature only works for users without any spaces in their name. We are working on an auto population feature (similar to Facebook), which should be completed next week. To tag a user, simply type the "@" symbol, and then the complete playername. For example, @mae!

Next, you also now receive 100 coins for news post comments and 50 coins for forum comments. We would love for the community to start interacting a bit more :)

We have also made some slight changes to the Navigation bar. We will continue to make tweaks over the next few weeks as we perfect this feature.

We also will fix the error with leveling up and competition entry. However, the judging cron is working properly, so I highly suggest continuing to show eligible horses.






We have enabled the Garbis, the Kyre, the Haunt and the Reylor! The Garbis, Kyre, and Haunt can be found in the Shadow world, and the Reylor can be found in the Dragon world. Due to the similar themes, we will enable breeds in the Dragon and Volcano world also with the Shadow world! Love these breeds? Let us know in the comments and earn some coins!

Lastly, here is our to-do list for the coming week:

  • Fix leveling bugs
  • Complete user upgrades
  • Enable horse sales
  • Enable updating horse profiles (name changes, set brand, update cover photo, etc)
  • Begin item functions
Check back tomorrow for additional updates,

- CE Staff
