Lythbound: Welcome, Jackyls!


Welcome, Jackyls!
We briefly interrupt your Haunted Faire festivities to bring you some new friends: Jackyls!

Jackyls were created by 40mg(DeviantArt) and then owned and developed by TropicalPrimate (DeviantArt) and EXxiilED (DeviantArt). We have recently obtained ownership of this wonderful species and are excited to bring them into the realms of Lythbound!

You can read all about Jackyls on their newly-added species page and there are also two subspecies added to Gryfons and Axomaurs respectively, based on species designs by NorthernRed (DeviantArt) and TropicalPrimate (DeviantArt) respectively.

Other than new information, we will be porting the original Jackyls masterlist on-site today! No ownership will be changed during this import and Jackyls will also be receiving an announcement on their end regarding this update!

If you own a Jackyl and already linked your account to DeviantArt before this announcement, please contact us via Support Ticket to get those ownerships updated! If you newly join after this announcement, simply link your Lythbound account to DeviantArt and your Jackyls will automatically be added (as well as a special achievement for having been involved prior to Jackyls joining us here)!

Additionally, Jackyls will be available for creation via MYO tickets as soon as the masterlist import is complete! You may also want to take a look at their subspecies, as a rather monstrous one is available right away which might interest current Haunted Faire visitors... (Monster Jackyls can be created via the Moonsbane Potion, currently available from the Haunted Faire!)

Once again, welcome to our new friends!

(Thanks to Raishiteru and CakeBird for species adaptation work!)

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