Lythbound: The Pit! (+ Miscellaneous Updates)


The Pit

The Pit has arrived! The Pit, a mysterious hole in an unspecified realm, is now available for you to toss items. The pit will usually toss Loonoles back out at you, but rumors say that other items may sometimes come out...
You can find the Pit via the navigation: Activities -> Activities Hub -> The Pit

Items tossed into the pit are permanently removed from your inventory!


Potential Loonole values for items in your inventory are displayed when you visit the Pit (the amount you receive may not be exactly what is displayed before tossing the item).
- Items that can be purchased from an NPC shop will always return 15% of the NPC shop's purchase price for that item.
- Items that come from other sources may vary in price depending on the following factors: number of that item in existence, number and value of the item in user shops, rarity of the item from its source, and a random slight variation depending on how nice the Pit wants to be
- Some items, such as MYO tickets, custom pets, and other items originally purchased with real life currency, cannot be tossed into the pit.

Please note: we will be monitoring the Loonoles received from items tossed in the Pit and may make future adjustments to the algorithm used to determine item values.

Miscellaneous Updates
- You may now choose to post a message on the Forum "as" one of your Lythians. Just choose "IC" via the slider when making a new post!

- When entering "Sort Mode" for your Lythians or Companions, two new "Quick Sort" buttons have been added. These can be used to quickly arrange your characters in alphabetical (or reverse) order by name or numerical (or reverse) order by ID number. You sitll need to save your changes after using one of these buttons!

- Wishlists have received further sorting options in their search function.

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