Lythbound: The Gifts of Lumiheim

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The Gifts of Lumiheim
The Gifts of Lumiheim have returned for 2021!
This event runs until December 31st, 2021 23:59:59 EST!
Art/writing prompts return this year!
Completing at least one prompt gives you the “Gifts of Lumiheim 2021” achievement!
Completing ten prompts gives you an MYO Playable Species ticket!
As always, you get Loonoles based on the piece(s) you submit.

Please note that these event prompts have a new rule as we work toward transitioning to more automated rewards:
NEW! Please include only one prompt per submission to ensure you receive your rewards!

Advent Calendar
This year's Advent Calendar has arrived and is available through December 25th! Be sure to visit everyday to receive all of your rewards!

Gift Exchange and Lumiheim Shelter Pets
Until December 31st, 2021 23:59:59 EST, you can visit the profiles of other members to send them Lumiheim treats! The friend you visit will receive a gift (note: this feature does not use items from your inventory, so don't worry about finding items!).

The treats received from this feature can be used to feed special Lumiheim-themed pets that are appearing in the pet shelter, also until December 31st, 2021 23:59:59 EST!

Not sure who to gift treats to? Participate in the "Gift the User Above You" forum thread!

Secret Santa
Secret Santa sign-ups closed in November; however if you signed up to participate, you should have information about your recipient available on the Secret Santa page now! Gifts are due by December 31st, 2021 23:59:59 EST!

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