Lythbound: Selachimorphan Sprucing Mini-Event!

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Every year in the beginning of summer, underwater Lythians from the realm of Reenah celebrate a tradition passed down for many generations; the Selachimorphan Sprucing! Each Lythian holds a feast to gather sharks to their home, and while they’re eating, they paint them with water-safe, natural dyes. Certain species take better to the paints, and if you get it just right, the shark’s dyed scales can last through the year. Due to the sharks’ skin texture, the paint stays on them for the whole month. Lythians above water watch in awe once the fish are released, and the ocean lights up with an array of proud, shining hues. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to befriend one of these colorful friends!​
✦ Selachimorphan Sprucing Prompts
With the help of a helpful guide, anyone can visit Reenah for the festivities and establish a key there to travel in the future as well! With that in mind...

Reenah is almost-entirely made of fluids: air and water. Moving through the realm always feels like swimming, which allows even those without flying capabilities to float through its atmosphere. Overall, it’s composed of large bodies of water with never-ending streams that run downward, either into another watery island or just… down.
The gorgeous structures of Reenah are made of colorful sea glass, polished coral, and other aquatic constructs. These buildings are located all throughout the realm, on its small pieces of land and more commonly submerged with portions touching the open air.

✦ Reenah? Where is that?
Guides are appearing across the realms to help bring new visitors to Reenah who may not have yet established their keys there.
Tell us about your Lythian preparing to travel to Reenah, or just arriving.

✦ Shark Painting
The sharks are here!
Is your Lythian helping to paint them? Or just enjoying the colorful display in Reenah's waters?

✦ Show Your Pride
The residents of Reenah also encourage visitors to display their pride in other ways this time of year.
Does your Lythian display a flag? Wear pride clothing? Perhaps they choose to simply display the rainbow of colors!

✦ Requirements
Your piece must earn you at least 20 Loonoles by Free Play guidelines.
This means you can choose what elements you’d like to include per submission.
There is no submission limit, so you can complete each prompt as many times as you'd like!
Submit them via the ARPG submit form under "Event Prompt."
In the "Additional Notes" section, please also include the title of the prompt.
They must be turned in by July 9th, 2020 @ 23:59:59 EDT to be eligible for rewards!

✦ Rewards

Completing at least one prompt gives you the "Selachimorphan Sprucing 2021" achievement!


You will also earn a level 0 familiarity key to Reenah with any Lythians that complete at least one prompt.
This key is permanent and unlocks the realm's regular quests to be taken on at any time.

As always, you earn Loonoles based on the piece(s) you submit.
Remember to claim the bonus + 5 (Event Quest) Loonoles!

✦ Shark Friends
In proper Lubina fashion, our friendly neighborhood pet shop has set up during the event as well and is offering a variety of shark friends to keep and care for year-round.


These sharks are permanent new additions to the Igroven Pet Shop!


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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