Lythbound: Secret Santa Sign-ups, Guest Artist Applications, and Reminders!


Every year, a visitor appears and spreads good cheer amongst other realms. No one is quite sure where they come from -- when the visitor tries to speak the name of their homeland, naught but static falls upon the ears of those who hear.

Despite this, the visitor is well liked and greeted kindly, as they oft bring gifts for Lyth's inhabitants... but only those who have first given a gift to someone else. Thus many realms have developed a custom of exchanging gifts, to be sure they are on the visitor's good side when they arrive... as there are rumors about what may happen if you are not.

Sign-ups for next month's "Secret Santa" event have opened! This is a digital creation exchange for all members of Lythbound! Full information is available on the Secret Santa event page.

The deadline for sign-ups is November 25, 2020 @ 23:59:59 Eastern time!

Guest Artist Applications

We have updated the process for applying to be a Guest Artist and participating in related design events. There is a new form available completely on-site, found here.

The updated process for choosing temporary Guest Artists will be as follows:

- You must submit your application via this page (if you emailed us before November 5th, 2020, please submit a new application on the new page)!
- Your application will be stored until you update or delete it.
- We will announce when we are seeking Guest Artists for designs, and an event will be displayed at the top of the application page for anyone who has a submitted application. Details for the specific event will be provided in the description, and a button will be there to indicate your interest in participating. You will need to indicate your interest in each event separately, as this will help us when organizing and knowing who is able to participate.
- If chosen to participate, we will then contact you per-event with instructions and further information.

We are excited to move forward with this new system as it should help us have guest designs show up more frequently, and make the organization and structure of their creation smoother. As always, if you have questions, please contact us! And again, if you emailed us a Guest Artist application prior to this news post, please resubmit via the new form.

Upcoming Guest Artist Event

An event has been listed in which we are seeking Guest Artists for winter/holiday designs. Please go here to indicate your interest!

(The deadline for designs in this event is relatively short, due to waiting until this new system was complete to announce the event. Please apply soon if you would like to participate. We will aim for longer deadlines for future events!)

Free Igalyph Raffle


A free raffle for a wonderfully ghastly Igalyph has been added to the raffles page, provided by Call-me-Cinder! Please enter via the raffles page and good luck!


The Haunted Faire is ending November 7 at 23:59:59 Eastern Time! Please get your entries and participation in before it disappears for this year!

You only have until November 8 (this coming Sunday) at 23:59:59 Eastern Time to submit designed versions of FPCs. Any that are not designed (still showing the NPC, non-customized version of the art) will be removed after this point. Please refer to this news post for full information.

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