Lythbound: Regarding DeviantArt and Eclipse

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Hello! The following is an official update from Realm of Lyth regarding DeviantArt’s intent to necessitate the use of Eclipse starting on May 20th, 2020.

- Our general plan for the future will be listed out below, but to summarize important points:
- The change to Eclipse does not greatly affect our plans for the future.
- Our goal is to make the site fully functional on its own, so that DeviantArt is merely a supplement and not required for any game features.
- Guest Artists may begin posting new adoptable designs to any social media of their choice, and are not required to post to DeviantArt. In the future, we hope to make designs more accessible on as well.
- We are working on an alternate way to allow character transfers and voids for those who do not wish to make an account, however this may require more thorough proof of ownership. Please read below for more information.'s DeviantArt Functions

Since the release of, the goal has always been to make our own site self-sufficient so that we do not require DeviantArt in order to play any facet of the game. In some ways, we have thus far been successful; however some functions remain on DeviantArt (such as the ability to update Masterlist art, and playing the Gachapanions machine).

As such, we will continue working toward this goal. The DeviantArt group will not be deleted or removed, but our hope is that it continues to become more of a supplement to the game at than a requirement.

We will continue to support any functions currently on DeviantArt, and do not expect disruption from our end in providing game support.

Again, this was the plan anyway, and while we do not have an ETA for specific features being moved to, we were already preparing to do this. Guest Artist Sales

A feature that we have discussed internally is the ability for Guest Artists to sell adoptables on, to provide better accessibility to players to purchase them. We have held off on announcing this publicly as it is still in early stages of planning, but it seems prudent to mention now, given the situation on DeviantArt.

For the time being, we will be allowing Guest Artists to branch out on where they advertise and sell adoptables. Meaning, Guest Artists may choose to advertise somewhere such as, Twitter, Furaffinity, etc, and may take payment from purchasers on those sites.

To better facilitate this, it is likely that going forward, purchasing a design from a Guest Artist will require having or making a site account.
When we complete our area for sales, a site account absolutely will be required for purchases, so this is a preliminary step toward that.

We recommend joining the official Discord Server to get updates on adoptable listings and other information.

Off-site Transfers

One feature that currently remains on DeviantArt is the ability to transfer or void characters on the masterlist without making a site account. If you have a site account, or plan to make one, you do not need to worry about this section.

We would like to keep this option available for those who own characters made in the past, as we understand what frustrations inherent in forcing sign-ups just to leave the game. However, we are looking into our options for the future.

If you do not wish to make a account and claim your characters, we recommend saving proof of your ownership of your DeviantArt account (particularly if you are planning to leave or close your account on DeviantArt). We will not transfer characters without proof that the transferer is truly the owner. The easiest way to transfer characters will always be making an account on and claiming your characters by linking to DeviantArt. Social Media

And finally, we hope to ramp up our presence on alternate social media, to make ourselves more accessible for anyone who would like to share their art elsewhere.

You can currently find our official presence in the following locations:


We will utilize and follow the hashtag #lythbound in our posts at these locations.

We are closely following and researching other social media outlets as well, and will post if we choose to support an official presence on any other supplementary sites.

Thank you all for your support! We look forward to continuing to work on, as well as see what DeviantArt has in store for us!

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