Lythbound: New Site Features

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Final Lumiheim rewards have been sent out. Thank you for your participation this year!

We're here today to highlight a few new things that have been added to the site recently:

- Pets can now be sorted after being attached to a Lythian. A sort button will be visible on the profile of your Lythians which currently have pets attached.

- "Lythian page"s have been added, which allow the Lythian's owner to create and edit a unique page for each of their Lythians. These pages are completely blank by default to allow full freedom of editing, and may be used as you see fit, as long as they do not break our Terms of Service. A Lythian's page will be displayed as a link under "Information" on their profile, but will not be accessible until edited at least once by their owner. (Editing is also possible via the "Edit Page" button on their profile.)

- All users now have access to a vault from their inventory. The vault can be used to store your items and currency, preventing them from being used in other areas of the game or site. Items in your vault will not be displayed should you choose to make your inventory public.

- And today's big update...

Lythian Relationships
Lythians can now connect their profiles with other Lythians and companions by adding them as relationships (relationships are not limited to friends, romantic interest, companion, etc — this is simply the term used for the feature to indicate a link between characters, and you may label them however you would like). This can be accessed by the Lythian's owner under the "Community" section of their profile. Companions and Lythians are both eligible to be linked, however you may only add your own companions, while you may request a relationship with a Lythian belonging to anyone registered as a site member.

Should you request to create a relationship with a Lythian you don't own, the relationship will be marked pending and won't be displayed on your Lythian's profile until the other user confirms it (they will receive a notification with info on confirming or denying).

Relationships can be sorted (to appear in different order on your Lythian's profile), edited, and deleted at will.

Transferring a companion will remove all relationships that companion is in, due to the ownership restriction on companions used in relationships.

Gem Shop
Additionally, we have added an on-site shop to allow the purchase of gems with USD without requiring the use of Patreon. The Patreon will still continue to award the current bonuses that it provides (gems, pet, etc. each month), however the cash shop has been added so that a subscription is not the only option to gain gems.
Payments will be processed via PayPal and gems automatically sent by the system within 5 minutes of purchase.

We will also be looking into adding items to the shop such as our charity items (currently available via Storenvy) in the near future.

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