Lythbound: Mythical Ascension Quests & MYO Ticket Sale Updates

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Mythical Ascension Quests are now available — by completing one of these ARPG quest lines, you are now able to unlock the Falsetto or Oktavist subspecies for any Symphony you own! You can find these quests from the ARPG Quests Hub or the Symphony species information page.

Mythical Ascension Quests are four-part quests which grant a badge to your Lythian upon completion and allow them to become a mythical subspecies. A Lythian may only complete these quests if their basic form is of the corresponding species, however there are no other prerequisites and any Lythian may follow the questline if their species has a mythical subspecies available. (Currently only Falsetto and Oktavist subspecies are available, and only to Symphonies.)

All four parts of the quest must be completed and approved before the mythical badge will be applied.

To finalize your Lythian's subspecies change, go to your Lythian’s profile page and click the “Update Lythian Art/Design” button. In the “Additional Notes” section, just let us know that your quest got approved and what subspecies you are changing your Lythian to!

You may alternatively complete the quest to unlock the badge, but leave your Lythian's default official design unchanged.

To celebrate, three Common Note Eggs (to create baby Symphonies!) are being raffled off! Go here to enter!

MYO Ticket Sale Updates
After reviewing the numbers from August's MYO Loonole Ticket sales, we will be making the following updates to Loonole-purchased tickets, starting with September 10th's release:

- Truffle's shop will restock with (randomly) 3-6 tickets each restock.
- Ticket prices will be 700 Loonoles per MYO Playable Species Ticket and 400 Loonoles per MYO Companion Ticket.
- Purchasing one of either ticket will prohibit you from purchasing another of the same ticket until the following month. (Meaning if you purchase one in the first restock, you cannot purchase another in the second restock that same month.)
- Restocks will still occur at at 10:00:00 site time on the 10th of each month, and 20:00:00 on the 20th of each month.

Additionally, we are exploring other options for Loonole-based tickets to accompany the speed-based ticket sales in Truffle's shop.

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