Lythbound: MYO Sale, Patreon Info, and Gallery Updates!


Special MYO Buy-One-Get-One Gift Sale!
We are holding a special Make Your Own (MYO) ticket sale! If you buy an MYO ticket item during this event, you can also choose a friend to receive the same type of ticket for free! You cannot redeem the free ticket for yourself; it must be a gift for someone else. (But the first ticket can be your own.) Tickets MUST be purchased via this Google form to take advantage of the BOGO gift sale (but you CAN use your gems in the form!).

- When you purchase an MYO ticket via this form, you may also select another Lythbound user to receive the same type of ticket (you will receive the first ticket).
- You can choose to gift both tickets, but may not keep more than one of the tickets from the purchase.
- You may, however, submit this form multiple times to buy multiple tickets for yourself/others.
- You can split payment between gems and USD. (Gems are equal to USD at a 1USD:100gems ratio)

If any of your payment is in gems, they will be removed from your account by Jackalune. If any of your payment is in USD, it will be invoiced to you via PayPal by Jackalune.
The items will be granted to you and your friend's accounts when all forms of payment have been received.

When you are ready to submit your MYO ticket, you may do so via this form.

MYO ticket items allow you to make your own designs for a new Lythian or companion. MYO Playable Species Tickets can make any basic/non-asterisk'd subspecies/body type adult (or baby) playable species Lythian except for Crossbreeds, while MYO Companion Tickets can make any companion species!

SALE ENDS: December 9th @ 23:59:59 Eastern Time

December Patreon Bonus
Patreon supporters who join the Patreon before December 1st will have the opportunity to receive bonus gems from visiting the upcoming Advent Calendar in December, in addition to their usual rewards.

The Advent Calendar will be open for 25 days starting December 1st and Patreon supporters will receive gems each day they visit, based on their tier (regular monthly gems will also be sent out at the beginning of the month)!
- $2 tier - 8 gems per visit
- $5 tier - 20 gems per visit
- $10 tier - 40 gems per visit

This means you have the potential to get up to 200/500/1000 bonus gems in December, depending on your support tier, and assuming you visit the Advent Calendar every day!

Additional Updates
- Gift art related galleries have had some visual clean up.

- All Lythians have 2 new galleries on their profiles:
Masterlist Images is a gallery that only the owner can see, and displays all of the Lythian's approved masterlist images (you can also now select any of these to be used in the framed image as well!). Support for swapping between fullsize images on profiles, and completely removing old/unwanted masterlist images is forthcoming.
The submissions gallery is also available and archives all approved ARPG submissions your Lythian has been featured in. These are hidden to the public by default but you can choose to make them visible to logged in users by clicking the image and then "Toggle Visibility". Offsite link submissions cannot be toggled at this time.

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