Lythbound: Meeces, Kikitsu, and Forum Updates!

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Ostavera Observance has ended! It seems Jin may be preparing some end-of-holiday notes...

Meecebait Design Winners!

Four Meecebait contest winners were chosen by the community via popular vote, and these have been turned into sticker items!

From left to right, these designs were submitted by Traveler, omeenoms, Raishiteru, and PrincePoke! Each individual has received a copy of their sticker, and all four designs have been temporarily added to Faelyn's shop.


Thanks to your efforts, Lubina has found two more varieties of Meece and is offering them in her shop for a limited time.

The White Clover Meece and Forget-Me-Not Meece are now both temporarily available in the Igroven Pet Shop, and the other Meeces' stay has been extended as well.

All aforementioned shop stock (stickers and Meece) will be available until June 4 at 23:59:59 Eastern Time. They will then go away until the appropriate season rolls back around.


Species information for Kikitsu has been added to the Playable Species list. They may now be created with MYO Tickets!

Additionally, we will be holding a guest artist event for these where temporary guest artists will be chosen to make and sell/distribute Kikitsu designs! Please sign up here if you are interested! Sign ups end June 4th, 2021 at 23:59:59 and the deadline for chosen designers to complete their designs is June 18th, 2020.

Last, but not least, we are excited to announce the soft launch of our forum system! This has also been added to the navigation under Community -> Forum. Please read up on the rules for each forum category, and then please feel free to participate! We will be working on improvements and updates to this system as we move forward, but are excited to now offer this new community feature.

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