Lythbound: Masterlist Updates!


Hello everyone!

We're happy to announce today that the masterlist has been 100% moved over to the site!

There are possibly still a few errors with individual entries that we’ll need to check over/resolve, but the primary data has been entered in!

If you have made an account and linked it to DeviantArt, but do not yet have your Lythians attached, it probably means they are still attached to your DeviantArt account -- please let us know if you are missing anyone!

If you have not yet made an account and linked it, please do so, so that we can attach your Lythians and you will have access to their profile settings, as well as easily transfer them to a new owner, should you need to do so!

The next step is collectible creatures + capture events and allowing for ML creation/edits on-site! Please stay tuned for more info soon!View the full article
