Lythbound: [Lythbound Overhaul] - Free Playable Character Updates

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Hello everyone!
We’re here with our first follow-up announcement with regards to the overhaul:

The Free Playable Characters (or "FPCs") system is being replaced with other methods of receiving free "Make Your Own" characters (MYOs) to begin playing the game.

Two days ago, we turned off the creation of new FPCs. Today, we are announcing that we will be removing any undesigned FPCs in approximately 3.5 months’ time.

Please submit your designed version of any FPCs you own via the MYO submission form before November 8th at 23:59:59 Eastern Time.

We will be implementing new systems to get free/game-earned MYOs (for example, you can get a ticket for any playable species by completing the tutorial) that overall have fewer restrictions than FPC, but we wanted to extend this opportunity to also finish up and keep FPCs for those who had created them before -- basically as a thank you for having participated in the system.

Designed FPCs will be retaining their account-locked status and will not become tradable despite the system being removed. If you are not able to submit during this time frame for whatever reason, but had a design planned for the FPC, you are absolutely free to create that character via an MYO ticket as we roll out more ways to obtain them for free and via the game.

To reiterate: You have until November 8 at 23:59:59 Eastern Time to submit designed versions of FPCs. Any that are not designed (still showing the NPC, non-customized version of the art) will be removed after this point.

If you already designed and submitted your FPC art in the past, you don’t need to worry about this! That is your character and we will not be removing them. We will ONLY be removing FPCs that were never designed and updated with new art.

Our reasoning for this is that we desire to change the FPC system to a more progression-based system of acquiring free characters, while also making the new free characters have less restrictions overall.

We also do not desire to take away completely designed FPCs, as we maintain that our position on character designs is that we will not take them away, as per our Terms of Service, but we would also like to balance the previous mass-attainability of FPCs with the new systems of MYO rewards.

Thus, we felt that the best compromise for balancing purposes was to keep completed FPCs, with their account-bound restrictions, remove uncompleted FPCs, and implement the ability to acquire new MYOs that can still be used to finish creating any previously-uncompleted designs if so desired.


We have also started rolling out some other changes to systems, such as updating the "Innate Abilities" page to talk about their new replacement -- Skills (which is similar!). Though there may be some discrepancies across pages that still talk about Innate Abilities (such as the tutorial). We are working on updating all of these pages to make them align with one another, but didn’t want you to have to wait to start seeing some information regarding what we intend for the game.

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