Lythbound: Important Secret Santa Update


Important update for all Secret Santa participants!
Today, we discovered a bug regarding the way that Secret Santa recipient wishlists display on your Secret Santa entry page. This bug has now been fixed. However, this means that the wishlist for your recipient may have changed. Please check the Secret Santa page for the correct version of your recipient's wishlist. For clarity, this was a display issue which only affected the gift sender wherein some senders saw an outdated version of their recipient's wishlist.

This bug did not affect all wishlists; the wishlist you see may or may not have changed as of this news post and we urge everyone to double check their recipient's wishlist before continuing to work on their submissions. The wishlist that is now visible on the Secret Santa page is correct and up-to-date.

As part of our efforts to compensate for this bug, the following steps are being taken:

The Secret Santa deadline has been extended to January 25th for all entrants (regardless of if you were affected by the bug or not).
All Secret Santa participants who submit a work by January 25th will receive 2 Lumiheim Gift items, in addition to the currency value of their submission(s).

If you have begun but not submitted a submission prior to this announcement and that submission no longer follows your recipient's wishlist, we request the following actions:
- Please submit the started piece as-is to the "Secret Santa - Compensation" quest. For your efforts, you will receive the Loonoles (or Gift Tokens) that the piece is currently worth.
- If possible, please then create a piece that follows your recipient's up-to-date wishlist.
- If you cannot do both of the above for any reason, please contact us via Support Ticket as soon as possible. You will not be penalized for issues which arise related to this bug, however we want to make arrangements as early as possible for each recipient to receive a piece that matches their wishlist.
- You may also adjust your existing work to follow the recipient's wishlist, in lieue of taking the above steps. This is also acceptable, however please contact us for compensation for large adjustments and extra work done to submissions.

If you have already submitted a submission prior to this announcement and that submission no longer follows your recipient's wishlist, we will take the following actions:
- We will soon contact both the recipient and the sender via Support Ticket to request further information and establish further steps and compensation for both individuals.
- Submitters will not be penalized for issues which arise related to this bug.

If you have already submitted a submission prior to this announcement and that submission still follows your recipient's wishlist, no further action is needed. Thank you for participating!
- Additionally, if you are currently working on a submission and that submission still follows their wishlist, please continue as normal!

Thank you so much for your understanding and we sincerely apologize for this bug. Please contact us if you have any questions about the above information or require further information regarding the status of your submission.

Compensation for Realm Quests submitted prior to November 26th, 2022
When Realm Familiarity was expanded on November 26th, 2022, currency values for quests submitted prior to that date were not retroactively awarded as EXP. (Familiarity levels were already compensated for on feature release, but not the bonus currency associated with these submissions.)

As of today, we have issued compensation experience to all Lythians which participated in Realm Familiarity or other Realm Quests prior to that date (and had a key for the realm in question prior to the quest submission), totaling the currency value (times ten) of all pieces in which they were depicted.

This compensation experience will appear in your experience logs. Please contact us if you believe the awarded experience to be incorrect!

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