Lythbound: [Important] Rebranding News!

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Realm of Lyth is rebranding!

Realm of Lyth is rebranding to Lythbound! You may have noticed that much of our social media presence has used the "Lythbound" name and we are now preparing to change the entirety of the game to this new branding!

Our updated logo is displayed at the top of this news post and we will be updating our URL to "" in the coming days. This url is not yet live at the time of posting this news. When it is live later this week, pages will automatically redirect to the equivalent urls. Please do not be alarmed by this redirect as it will be intentional!

We will also be updating other references of "Realm of Lyth" as the name of the game to "Lythbound" later this week.

The in-game locations are still realms set in the world of Lyth (collectively, "the realms of Lyth") — with this change we are merely updating the branding of the game's name, not changing the lore or location names.

Layout Updates

With this update, we have changed the colors of the default layout to match our updated brand colors! If you prefer the old default, you can change the layout you're using via this page while logged in.

We have also made some other updates to all layouts which may require a hard refresh of your browser (ctrl+F5 or fn+F5) to fully see. Please report any errors via Discord or by contacting us!

Other Updates

The Item Catalog is now available to view! This resource lists all available items, with their flavor text and brief information on where the item originates and where to use it. Some items also contain further information, such as craftable items displaying their recipes — if you have them unlocked.

Haunted Faire

If you find yourself with too many Faire Tickets and nothing to spend them on, the Ringleader will now convert them to Loonoles in her shop. Please do so with care as this cannot be undone — Loonoles cannot be turned back into Faire Tickets.

And finally, don't forget that entries to the Costume Contest will close October 23, 2020, 23:59:59! Get those entries in!

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