Lythbound: Happy Birthday! Even If It's Not Today


Today is the last day to turn in Ostavera Observance prompts for rewards, as well as to vote for your favorite Meecebait submission(s)! The deadline for these activities is 23:59:59 Eastern Time of May 21, 2021.

Rewards for cumulative prompt completion will be sent out this coming week!

In other news, two new features are now available...

Birthday Gifts

We previously added rewards for visiting the user list on a staff member's birthday. Now, you will also receive a special gift when visiting on your birthday! In order to receive a gift, please make sure you have entered a birthday via the profile edit page (accessible via Personal -> Account Settings ->Edit Profile). Once entered, this cannot be changed on your own, but if you made a mistake, please send a ticket and we can fix it for you!

After you have entered your birth date information, remember to visit the user list on that day and you will receive a pet themed after your indicated birth month, and one random additional pet. (Patreon supporters will also receive one bonus random pet on their birthday!)

LIMITED TIME: If your birthday in 2021 occurred prior to May 21, please send us a ticket letting us know and we will manually send you that month's pet rewards (you must also make sure to set your birthday in your account settings). However, to take advantage of this, you must send in the ticket by June 4, 2021 at 23:59:59 Eastern Time.

Better Art Submission Attribution
You may now attribute art/writing submissions to an individual who is not yourself. Going forward, you can do this when submitting the work via the ARPG submit form. For existing works with incorrect attribution (in the case where you submitted a piece you commissioned and received from someone else, for example), please send us a ticket telling us the artwork/writing and correct creator and we can manually fix these!

Other Updates
We have removed the "Chibi Art" categorization from ARPG valuation and the calculator.

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