Lythbound: Eidolons and Updates!


Some extra adventurous eidolons have started roaming well outside of their typical borders...

The mysterious last Haunted Faire activity has been revealed! The Eidolon Hunt will begin on October 18th! Ink has noticed some eidolons are not where they should be and has requested your help!

Check out this page for full information on how to participate in the hunt!

Additionally, don't forget that the contest portion of the event will be closed for entries after the 23rd of October, as voting will take place during the last week! If you are planning to enter, be sure to submit soon!

Blog and Reporting Updates

Blogs have received a bit of an update! You can now set your blog posts to allow or disallow comments, and others can come and leave comments on those posts. (All existing blogs have comments turned off by default but you can go back and turn them on via the post editor.)

Additionally, you may notice a flag icon on blog posts, comments, profiles, and other locations. We have implemented this as a method of quickly reporting any inappropriate content you may come across. By clicking this button, a report will be submitted to moderation staff, where we can review the content.

Other Updates

You can now toggle your inventory to be publicly visible. This option is available in your profile settings under Personal -> Account Settings -> Edit Profile. Making your inventory public will allow you to link to it via and others will be able to see your items and currency (but not interact with them in any way). All inventories are private by default and cannot be viewed in this way unless you opt in to the public option.

We are continuing to make other various information and content updates for clarity and usability where possible. Additionally, two large informational databases are in the works to help clarify and provide information regarding items and NPCs.



Pompip companion information has been posted! These little critters arrived with Nudinyms but have not had thorough information provided until recently. If you own a Pompip from prior to the merge of Nudinyms into Lyth, please contact us with proof of ownership and we can upload them to the companions masterlist for you!

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