Lythbound: Charity, Frames, and MYO & Art Form Updates!


Hello! We've got a few big news things today so let's get right to it:

June is Pride Month! A time to celebrate under normal circumstances, but these times we are in are not normal by any means. We have planned for some time to create site items to sell for charity during June, but given the situation around the world, we have reached the decision to split donations from these sales between the Transgender Law Center and this ActBlue initiative which automatically further splits donations between bail funds and Black initiative funds.

The first Pride was a riot and we would not have this time to celebrate if it weren't for Black trans women who made it possible. We hope that by splitting the donations, we can help a little bit of both worlds. It's Pride Month, after all, but if our stance isn't also clear: Black Lives Matter.


We currently have a frame and four pets available in exchange for donations that we will forward to the charities mentioned above. To facilitate sales, we have set up a Storenvy page, from which you can purchase each of these items: here.


More information is available in each listing! Pets can be purchased featuring any Pride flag of your choice.

As of right now, we intend to reward items and make donations on approximately a weekly basis. However, we are currently NOT intending to end sales of these items, and as sales slow down, donation forwarding may be done on a monthly time frame.


Now that we've made a frame purchasable with real life money, it was prudent to make further expansions to the frame feature. Thus we are excited to release the ability to preview frames, update your Lythian frames, and also use items to unlock new frames!

You can access the Frame Previewer by visiting Activities -> Activities Hub -> Frame Previewer. This page will allow you to see all available frames and test them out with your Lythians to see what might look best.

When you've decided to update your Lythian's frame for real, you can do so from their profile, by clicking the new “Change/Update Frame" button. Any frames they have unlocked will be permanently available to change between.

You may unlock new frames from items via your inventory -- if you received a Frame of the Sea from the Turn the Tides event, that item can now be used!


And finally, a new shop has opened up in the marketplace! Tessa the Flyte has a variety of frames available for you to purchase with Loonoles! Returning players from Astral Story may recognize these -- they are based on designs from Astral Story, and if your Lythian had unlocked any pre-merge, they have now been made available to those Lythians again. (This includes some event designs from October 2019 which are now able to use the “Summoning Circle 2019" frame.)


Last, but not least, the MYO Forms have received massive upgrades, and masterlist art/design updates are now fully available on-site!

The MYO forms themselves should be fairly straightforward, but if you have questions or need help, we are always available! Additionally, with these updates, both the submitter and staff can now leave comments within the forms themselves, and discuss back and forth regarding uploads. You may also edit MYO submissions if an issue is found or something needs changed.

FPCs can also now be selected for their first design upload on the MYO page!

Art/design updates can be accessed from a Lythian or Companion's profile. The “Update [Lythian/Companion] Art/Design" button will lead you to a form where you can:
- Update art without design changes (or very minor design changes) (Lythians & Companions)
- Update designs with item usage (Lythians only)
- Update both of the above on alternate forms (Lythians only)
- Unlock new alternate forms (such as with the Water Form Potion) (Lythians only)

As with the MYO forms, simply fill out the information and submit! If you have questions or experience issues, please do feel free to contact us!

As these functions are completely available on-site, the DeviantArt journal for MYOs and art/design updates is now retired.

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