Lythbound: Art, Arcade, & Forum Changes


Free Play Cap Removed, New Visual Art Guideline
Free Play no longer has a weekly Loonole cap! You are now free to submit all free play art for loonoles without worrying about hitting the cap. However, we have additionally added a new requirement for 2D and 3D Visual Submissions. This new requirement applies to all ARPG submissions and not just Free Play.

If there are over 10 unique characters depicted in a 2D or 3D Visual Submission, you will be required to write each unique character with their Index ID (i.e., NP5, AX14, etc) next to or on them within an image. This can either be done on the submitted piece itself, OR be included as a linked piece from an external image storage site (i.e., Imgur,, etc) under "Additional Notes".

Arcade Daily Cap Increased
The Arcade's daily Loonole earning cap has been increased from 60 to 80! We would still like to encourage gaining of Loonoles from artwork and other non-art methods, but we hope players enjoy this cap raise.

Daily Loonole Reward for Forum Posts
You may now gain Loonoles for posting to the forum! Every 120 characters in a post will earn you one loonole, while the daily cap is 100 Loonoles total. We hope this encourages players to use the forums for games, discussion, writing, or roleplay!

Post edits will not reward Loonoles, nor will code included in a post be taken into account when calculating character total.

As before, spam will not be tolerated in any of the forum categories, and attempting to circumvent this via the post edit or deletion options will result in disciplinary measures.

New Subspecies Items
Now available in the Referral Shop, respective subspecies items for Liquid Orches, Leutyto Gryfons, and Axolodon Axomaurs are now available!

Loonole Ticket Poll Reminder
There's still three days before the poll regarding Loonole Tickets ends! We're wanting to make the stock unlimited while also upping the price, but we'd like feedback on if what we're proposing sounds fair! The poll is linked here, with an additional companion thread contained within!

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