Looking for Virtual Assistant/Project Manager for Horse Reality [paid]

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Game Owner
Hello there!

Some of you might know me already from my game Horse Reality. It is a realistic horse sim where you buy and breed your own horses. It is currently in beta and we are now in need of some help for the game. As of this moment, I am working 4 days a week at a company and only have 1 or 2 days left for Horse Reality, depending on how busy the weekend is. My co-partner Tamara who does the colouring and research of all the horses also has limited time.

Due to our limited time (for now at least), we are looking for a Virtual Assistant / Project Manager that could take some of the tasks out of our hands. Giving us more time to do what we need to do: programming, creating art, colouring, researching etc.

We want a person that is trustworthy, dependable and easy to talk too. It would also be really convenient if you're from the UK (or Netherlands), as we try to write British English on Horse Reality, rather than American English. We have 2 versions of Horse Reality, a Dutch and English version. If you're capable of writing both languages, that would be preferred. However, I am aware that most people here probably aren't Dutch. Thus if you could already lighten the weight on our shoulders by maintaining the English version of HR, that would be awesome.

One thing. Once both parties agree, we will need to make a contract with each other due to the confidential material you might be working with. Copyrighted images and such.

Depending on your skills, these could be some of your tasks:

  • Taking care of our social media accounts and write at least 1 blog per month (preferably putting up something every 2 weeks)
  • Check the bug report forum on Horse Reality and add all those bugs systematically in our CMS (allowing me to easily find the bugs and fix them)
  • After bugs are fixed, test those on the live site if they're still working correctly and close the topics
  • Photoshop some graphics to add on our social media accounts while maintaining the "look" of Horse Reality
  • Have contact with me each month on a Friday (located in Amsterdam, Netherlands) via Skype to discuss the tasks
  • Research on horse related stuff
  • Check grammar and/or rewrite our wiki articles

  • Likes horses
  • Able to speak / write Dutch (HUGE plus)
  • Eduction in IT, Communication, Design and similar

  • I'm a nice person to talk to, I'll always happily explain something to you if you don't understand or don't know what to do.
  • You are able to make your own hours as long as you meet the deadlines (we trust that you will do your job).
  • Gradually work more hours (thus more money) if we're happy with the extra help.
  • Paid 7.50$ (USD) per hour. 
We're talking about 5-8 hours a month for now, you can choose when to work. The only vast thing is that you are able to skype with me on a Friday once a month, in order to go through things. As of this moment I can't offer too much yet, as I'm paying for everything by myself. Horse Reality is still a free-to-play game. But hopefully this will suffice and we will earn more money in a later stage. If I enjoy working with you and we will earn money with HR, you're highly likely to earn more.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your reply!

- Deloryan


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Hello. I am very interested in the manager position. However, manager tends to mean different things to different people (and honestly that's what I like about it I never have a clear picture of what my job will exactly be). With that said I enjoy helping others, organizing, researching, and discovering new things in general.

It seems the manager role is heavy on the writing here. I admit i'm not professional English major. But to be far the English language is a fluid and ever changing beast. I do not know Dutch specifically, but I feel confident about being able to find someone who does.

May I ask what your minimal expected hours per day/week for the positions are?
I am available any day, but Thursday is a toss up for a volunteer job.

If you have further questions or wish to exchange contact info please feel free to PM me.

Strange, I thought I had written that down, but I think that section might have been deleted somehow.

I'd like to have someone for about 5 - 8 hours a month for now. You would be able to choose when you work yourself, as long as there is a moment to discuss things once a month. But that wouldn't take up all the hours. You could choose for 1,5 - 2 hours a week, or work one full day a month.

Depending on the skills and how it goes the hours can be gradually build up if that's preferred on both sides :)

The Dutch would be for the Dutch forum and devlog post. What I normally do is I write the English devlog, make sure that that one looks good and after that, I make the Dutch version and Dutch image (if the image has text in it). 

And about the English, we prefer someone who looks over the social media posts carefully to make sure there are no typos or something like that. I use an application called Grammarly for that to check it, but it's not perfect. No one is, obviously, but we try to write as neatly on our social media channels and news pages as possible.

I'd like to hear a bit more about you. You can send it to me via pm :)  Do you have a resume? I'd like to know a bit more about you, where you're from, what kind of study do/did you do? Do you have any kind of affiliation with horses? (It's not necessary, but nice to know for myself in terms of explanations and such). And as far as my list goes, what do you think you could do for us? What are you good at and what are things you'd still need to learn? As you can see lots of questions :D Not an interrogation though, but I'm genuinely interested in people who want to work with me and like to learn more about you.

However, I would also like to hear from other people if they're interested! Not a first come first serve kind of way, but I like to know more about everyone in order to make a final choice. And perhaps if there are more people that I could work with because of different specialties for example, which might also be considered ;)  

What time on Fridays are you looking at for Skype meetings?  I need to correlate that with EST American time to see if I am able to meet at a time convenient for you.  If this is possible, I will be glad to forward my resume and anything else you might need to consider for my application.  I'm an Education major, and I work as a tutor, which includes English (American, though I can certainly study British English and learn some of the intricacies of how it is spoken).  Working with students, and training to work in a classroom setting, has helped me to acquire communication and working with people in a friendly manner.  I do love horses too, and my mom worked on a horse ranch when I was a kid, so I have some personal experiences there.  Finally, I know how to use Photoshop, and I'm proficient with various applications, and can learn them easily.  I do not know Dutch, and also my time on Fridays will be limited, and that is why I'm asking around what time on Fridays you would need to have Skype meetings.   

If it's somewhere between 8:30 AM and 6 PM (CEST), that would be the best time. And since we're talking about 1 meeting per month, I'm sure there would be a way to figure something out. It's just that I focus on Horse Reality on the Fridays, so that would be the most convenient :)  However if that wouldn't be possible, I'm sure there will be other ways. I'm usually online in the evenings during the week and most of the times also in the weekend. I'd love to hear more :) !

For me those times would be between 2:30 A.M and 12:30 P.M.  I have a four month block from January through April where I will be doing an internship as part of the requirements for my teacher's certification, which will make my Fridays busy.  I do anticipate having a spring break in there during one of the months, but for the other three months, I will not be available until about 4:30 P.M. which would be 10:30 P.M. for you.  I could try to fit an hour in before I go into the school, but if Saturday morning would be possible during those few months, that would be great.  Let me know how all of this sounds, and if you are still interested in my application, I will be glad to forward my resume and any additional information which you require.  Thank you :)

Hey there! If you're still looking I thought I might post as well. 

I have a commercial arts degree (so basically graphic arts and advertising) and took some college English courses for fun. Fridays are definitely doable for me as I usually am not scheduled at my day job that day anyway. While I am a huge fan of horses and love going out of my way to research them as it is, I have no personal experience with any. 

I am American English as well but I do know a very small amount of Dutch. Certainly not conversational, probably about 150 words or so but might as well mention it! 

From your list of potential designated jobs the only one I might not be capable of is the bug reports (depending on what it is as I have no experience with these sorts of things). 

Yes, I'd like everyone who's interested to send me their resume and a short motivation and what you could do for us. About the bug reports part. That's something I could easily explain by a Skype call :) I have found out that way of working is really convenient and makes sure you finish the tasks you're supposed to do, while also getting a grasp of the amount of stuff you need to do. I think that is something you would easily learn, as its just inserting text from the forum (so it already exists), and checking the tasks again when I've fixed them, to close the bug report on it.

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