Looking for programmer for project


New member
Hello everyone,

I have a project in the works and am looking for a programmer who may be interested in working for pay. The idea is to create a website similar to a pet site but with more social media features involved. Points, awards, achievements and similar aspects will be earned and rewarded through interacting with the site. We recently tried wordpress with its gamipress system but it is not as customizable as I had hoped and does not fit the project. I have a slight budget and will need to pay in segments. I have had trouble with programmers in the past taking money and running, so I'm reluctant to pay up front for work that has yet to be done.

Eventually I want to attach more features to this project, but for now I need the following:

- Login
- Registration
- Profile
- Points
- Achievements
- Shop
- Social Feed
- User Gallery
- Forum
- Marketplace (for users to sell items)
- Admin CP / moderation functions

All art will be covered by myself and a friend. Thank you all for your interest. My hope is people will be able to upload their own character and interact as their own character through out the website as opposed to default artwork supplied by most pet sites. The hope is to gamify art scenes similar to art fight or any other gamified art project. I eventually hope to attach other features such as a virtual chatroom, map and so on but for now those aspects are not important. If all programming can keep these ideas in mind, that'd be great! 9you dont necessary need to be capable of doing these yourself) Thank you all for you kindness.

Please PM me here if interested with examples of your work, the amount you can do this for and so on. If you can't contribute your service but have advice on how to go about this project, let me know. I have looked at smartfoxservers for the virtual world part of the deal but since i don't expect that to be added until much later, its not a big deal for us right now. Thanks all

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