Looking for PHP/MySQL developer


Game Owner
I have given up on my main game for now, but I just have a small job (I think) if someone would like to assist.

Please let me know pricing. I am reachable on Discord at Silverwulfess#7621.

I currently have a database set up for a pet registry, generated via PHPMaker 2021.

I need the view animal pages edited to include progeny and a pedigree.

Each record has a sire and dam field.

Basically I am looking for, with progeny, when you view a pet, it searches the database for where that pet's registry ID exists in sire or dam, and it lists the names and colours of all progeny for that animal.

For pedigree, it is as it sounds. I would like a five generation pedigree which lists names and colours of all ancestors.

Please message me with pricing for this. Thank you!
