Looking for artists!


Game Owner
Hello! Im searching for artists to help out on my petsite http://atrocity.mysidiahost.com I would honestly draw everything myself but severe wrist issues limit me by alot so Im asking for help!

heres what I currently need help with!

~Clothing/avatar items
~Pet addons/markings/pets etc..
~More in the future im sure! (like monsters/minipets/battling stuff?)

If you are interested I'll give you bases to work from and explain how to do em! (We use a somewhat different system than most places... hahha..)
Im honestly looking for people who just want to do it for a side project- (Volunteers basically) But I can try to find a way to repay you for helping- We can work something out if needed! I admit to not having much money- and this is a hobby site of mine meant for fun- but like I said Im willing to try to work with you!

Just get ahold of me if you wanna help out ^^
Have a great day and stay safe!
