Looking for a Site to Work for!


New member
Hello! I have been itching to get back into the line of petsite artwork! I've applied at one site with no response so far, so I figured I'd post here as well, just to boost the eyes.

am looking for a paid position, not paid in site credits (depending on onboarding I will accept site credits if that's how you are paid out in training, etc) so please understand. I also posted this on the pet list site but it seems it's down so I figured I'd post here as well.

I previously worked for the site, Verpets, however this has been a looong time ago, however I still have all the old art I created for it. I will attach an imgur link to the folder of art. I am flexible with work and will work to match styles as much as possible! I don't have any set prices for my work as my previous job was fairly low-paying. I'm willing to negotiate or work for commission if a full-time position is not available (only for petsite related work, individual art commissions have their own prices.) I'm also attaching my regular art and sprite work just to cover all my bases!

You can view my past work here:

Petsite: https://imgur.com/a/YAB2w4J

Regular work: https://imgur.com/a/OweOTos

Sprite work: https://imgur.com/a/XsPOlys

Thanks for looking and reading ♥

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