lizs art sales


this is going to be my main post for stuff i am selling. i will update new stuff as i make it ^__^.

pay by paypal only.

Here is my zazzle account. ^__^

you can pm me if you want certain items drawn and i will try to draw them for you.

i can not draw real animals or cloths and humans.

i am good at crystals, meat,foods, potions, wood items and battle items and critters. ^__^ 

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Those meats are really great! I'd buy but don't need the whole set. Will be keeping an eye on your thread though c:

These are all so lovely <3 I almost bought the berries because I love them so much, but unfortunately they don't fit in with the style I'm after :(  Could you PM me your rates for item sketches?

Have you thought about selling your items separately versus batches by the way? They are all very beautiful but some users may only need one or two from a set. Just a suggestion :)  

i will take Novas suggestion and will be selling each item on there own.  ^__^

any ideas of what people want for items?

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