Kaivris' Art || Environments, Pixels, Characters



See the examples of my work below. I have a very open schedule right now, so can do quick commissions if needed. All prices listed are in USD.

I'm currently offering discounts on bulk commissions! Scroll the bottom of this post to learn more.

Deviantart | Website | Facebook


My rates for environments start at 50$. 

View attachment 1520

View attachment 1521

View attachment 1522

More environment examples here:

Pixel Work

I can do animated pixel work, starting at 60$ for a scene, or 30$ for a character. Non-animated pixel characters start at 15$.


View attachment 1523View attachment 1524

Animated Characters:

View attachment 1530View attachment 1531

Non-Animated Characters:

View attachment 1541View attachment 1536View attachment 1535View attachment 1533View attachment 1542View attachment 1532View attachment 1544

View attachment 1539View attachment 1538View attachment 1540View attachment 1537View attachment 1534View attachment 1545View attachment 1543


Prices start as follows--

Colour pre-existing line art: 20$

Simple line art: 20$  ///  Simple Line art + Colour: 30$

Complex / realistic line art: 40$ /// Complex/realistic colour: 60$

Animated Character: 100$

General examples:

 View attachment 1546View attachment 1547View attachment 1550

Simple line art + colour examples:

View attachment 1553View attachment 1554View attachment 1555View attachment 1556

View attachment 1557View attachment 1558View attachment 1559View attachment 1560

More character examples here:


I offer discounts if you order pieces in bulk!  My current deals:

10-19 pieces: 5% off total price

20-39 pieces: 10% off total price

40+ pieces: 25% off total price

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